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Compositionality With Variation Reliably Emerges in Neural Networks

Emergent representations in a multi-agent model are rife with the kinds of variation ubiquitous across natural languages. 

This paper appeared at ICLR 2024.


We re-evaluated how to look for compositional structure, in response to recent work claiming compositionality isn’t needed for generalization. While natural languages are compositional they’re also rich with variation – by introducing 4 explicit measures of variation, we showed that models reliably converge to compositional representations just with a degree of variation that skewed previous measures. We also showed that at the start of training variation correlates strongly with generalization – but that this effect goes away as representations become regular enough for the task. Converging to highly-variable representations is similar to what we see in human languages, and in a final set of experiments we show that model capacity, thought to condition variation in human language, has a similar conditioning effect with neural networks.